The Importance of Change Management in ERP Implementation

May 10, 2022

Reading Time : 8 Minutes

Scaled Solutions Group

The Importance of Change Management in ERP Implementation

Change Management in ERP Implementations and Digital Transformation

Change Management is crucial for aligning new or updated processes within an organization, particularly during ERP implementations or digital transformations.

Understanding Change Management

Change Management is intrinsically linked to the outcomes and deliverables of a Business Process Review. Once changes—whether technical, environmental, or people/process-driven—are identified, it is essential to apply these changes to the human element. This involves preparing and enabling employees to adapt to and embrace the changes.

ERP and digital transformations focus on creating new habits and muscle memory in technology application. This transformation is not immediate but gradual, ultimately aligning with the new system. How do companies bridge the gap between the current legacy system and the new system? How do they embrace future changes in processes and technology before they occur?

After identifying the necessary changes to improve business processes, the next step is execution. How can companies bridge the gap between new processes and their execution, while also gaining buy-in from employees and senior management?

Challenges with Change Management

  1. Lack of Understanding:

    • If employees do not understand how changes will impact their day-to-day activities, they will resist.
    • Users may not have a clear idea of the overall expectations of the ERP.
  2. Adoption Issues:

    • Employees might believe they know the processes better than the suggested new methods.
    • They may find it easier to stick with the current (old) way.
  3. Resistance:

    • Team members comfortable with the status quo are likely to resist change.
    • Proficiency in the current system can make the new process seem slower.
  4. Disruption:

    • Employees might feel they do not have enough time to learn a new process.
    • Lean departments may find the change overwhelming.

Tips for Supporting Change Management

  1. Senior Management/Stakeholder Buy-In:

    • Engagement of stakeholders and senior management is essential.
    • Decisions should be timely to show commitment.
    • Leaders must “walk the talk” by aligning actions with their words.
  2. Communication:

    • Once senior management/stakeholders agree on the change, communicate the value and reasons to the affected business units.
    • Maintain constant communication, such as weekly newsletters or open discussion meetings.
    • Create a communication board for employees to share their feedback and concerns.
    • Open communication can also highlight overlooked steps or processes.
  3. Design of Change:

    • Vet the process change with core team users through Proof of Concept (POC) testing.
  4. Execute Change:

    • Practice the new process through User Acceptance Testing (UAT).
    • Train employees early and continuously.
    • Update training materials and end-user procedures to support change management.
    • The sooner employees are comfortable with the process, the less resistance they will show.

Choosing the right independent consultant is vital for developing an effective implementation plan tailored to your organization’s needs. For more insights, explore our other blogs for tips on successful implementation.

For more information on how Scaled Solutions Group can assist with your ERP implementation or digital transformation, call us at (866) 957-8419 or visit